

JAKES Club (Jesus And Kids Evangelistic Saddle Club) hopes you all have had a safe and fun summer. Here at the farm we were blessed with pretty weather and a bountiful hay crop!! Prayers were truly answered and we thank our Lord for the quantity and quality of hay. Also a great deal of thanks to our volunteers for their time and effort moving over 100 bales. Bless you! Pictures were posted in August on website Flickr link. Thanks again!


It is only the beginning of JAKES Club's September/October programs. We just began Friday, September 13th and wanted to share some scheduling turn of events. In June the ministry was considering a "September Open House" for the home school community but we will look at serving those kiddo's another season. :)


This season, Fall of 2024, we are extremely blessed by our Lord's plan to invite Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday (progressing over several seasons) volunteers to serve JAKES Club's group "Therapeutic Riding Club" (TRC) program on Fridays; now allowing private TRC riding on Thursdays when needed. The above picture shows our Friday triple blessing:

  • First and foremost our horse Micah calmly working around so many people! Truly the last several seasons of group training are paying off.
  • Second welcoming JAKES Club's new horse handler McKayla. Thanks for being available to work with Jacob (rider) JAKES Club's Equine Director.
  • Third our wonderful Kaleb and existing Friday volunteers welcoming our new side-walker Sarah.

Also this Falls goals are to have the volunteers work with JAKES Club's horse Numbers in the small arena's "4 Post" riding pattern. Jenny's family moving to Fridays (long standing Thursday volunteers) will lead the way continuing to build up his leg strength from his old injury arthritic condition. In addition we will see if he can handle riding her daughter Lindy (small in stature) with side-walkers helping Numbers back muscles. He is 24 years old this year and we don't want to lose his muscle tone while he ages.


Thanks for allowing us to share and thanks for remembering Jeremiah 29:11

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." 

Both for yourself and Jesus And Kids Evangelistic Saddle Club's fall program plans.






Cathie and Team




































































































JAKES Club E-Newsletter September 2024




"Reaching children for Jesus one child with one horse at a time ..."

2016-PRESENT     Copyright Jesus And Kids Evangelistic Saddle Club, dba JAKES Club. All Rights Reserved. A Nonprofit 501 (c)(3) Charitable Organization #43-1899220.      

2024 Fall Friday Fun Yay!